Just came back after a movie...ROCK ON! to be more precise..(yes,yes..i know,i know...i watched it AGAIN...!!!!!!)Anyways,it was being screened at our college quadrangle as a part of our post tech-fest events....Yesterday was DARK KNIGHT...And tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the fest,so more about that later...
I'm writing this blog right now because of two main reasons:
a)I realized it's been long since I wrote anything;
b)I have been feeling really crappy from the past one week and just needed to vent out all the frustration that's been nagging me all this while...I had a major argument with my closest friends here last week..and things have been bad ever since....I dont know if the problem is because of the fact that off late the three of us(me and my two buddies)have been spending almost all the time we can get together...and we'r running out of things to say....or maybe because somewhere down the line there is something wrong with me that I'm actually thinking of all such crap...
Anyways,this post is leading me nowhere...have a few things to figure out..and a few more things to put right....Hope the week ends with everything sorted out....and hope I get back my peace of mind,which at this point of time is completely evading me.....
And also hope that my next post will be a more cheerful one with an explanation of all that has gone wrong and has to be put right...soon....
Till then...
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5 years ago
This is something I really tell all my friends and otherwise who sometimes complain i don't speak much sometimes - what we need to know is once you're talking about close friends, you need to reach a point where you need not say anything when you are together. The catch is you don't have to if you don't want to. Really hope this doesn't grow. Cheers
i dont kno y u fought or wat d issue is so wont say anythin...wud jus hope things get sorted out btwn u n ur fren...
blogrollin ya
Hope that things gets sorted out.. Best thing is to discuss it out.. Feels lighter.. Take care..
oh... :(
dukhi nai hote hain beta. it'll all get sorted soon !! :)
smile plz!
@sumit-yeah..kinda agree with u...somewher down the line i really wanna keep quiet n still b sure tht im heard....
thanx newez :)
@mayz-i hope so too.. na dthnx fr blogrolling me..
@urv-i really hope things r sorted out as well...coz its seriously bugging me now..
@heer-thnx yar....things with u guys are so simple..i dont kno y is evythn so complicated nw.. :(
happens beta... dont worry. i was trying to call you.. u dint take my call!!! hunh !! :P
take care ! :))
@heer-nai i ws in college at tht tym...and thn i tried callin u up bt ur no ws switchd off...srry newez :(
arey mayuri hota ..itll b ok? waise remember we had an arguement over talking in d class ..v were such fools :D
@thinktank-hehe! ya..i kno....we wr soo kiddish!! :) gawwwd....i miss those dez.....sigh.......
You have been tagged :))
ohh so these screening take place at ur college too ..gud haan !!!
I havnt seen dark knight ..i have to see that ...and chill dosti yaari mein sab chalta rahta hai :P
@peter-ohh..pls do watch dark knight..its damn good..
this is where u told me to ...say all those thngs :P
@peter-ohhh..yeah..i remember...
hmm..thanx newez..!! :)
haaaaaaaaaw... :((((
hope everything gets bk to normal soon.. :)
@tinni-yay...ur back!!
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