In life..we hurt them the most,whom we love the most..
We fight..with whom we expect the most..
We smile with tears in our eyes and pain in our hearts when people who matter to us hurt us and then ask for forgiveness..
We think the most about those whom we badly want to forget..
After talking to the one we love the most over the phone..the moment we disconnect the call,we realize we forgot one important thing to say.....
Thats how all of us live life... So,cherish the people who matter to you in life...hold on to the moments that bring a smile to your face..and live every minute of your life as if its the last...
I have been off the blogging circuit from a reeely long time now..Loads of reasons for it..Partly,because I wasnt well,partly because I had my exams(yet again!!) and partly because there was sooo much happening all around me that I hardly had time to breathe...!! Anyways,now that Im back to blogging,I have lotsa things to write about..will do that soon..till then Happy blogging!!
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5 years ago